Sunday, March 21, 2021

Trying to Feel Normal | Emissions

 Today was a fun day. We took the girls to Barnes and Noble and got a few books. The youngest got a couple JoJo books she wanted. The oldest wasn't interested in buying any books. I got the last 3 books in Scalzi's Old Man's War trilogy. I may have to get through them with my readers on. My right eye with the  Cataract hurt all day. I'm interested in reading them but I haven't set a deadline.

Then we went to Walmart in another city. We were going to get an early dinner where we were, but traffic was insane, the line wasn't moving, so we set a course back home, got some food, then headed to Walmart on the other side of town. The toys the girls were interested aren't sold there anymore, or probably anywhere for that matter. Such is life. 

The Wife got a bird feeder and some plants she wanted. We walked through the gaming isle, the Tv isle, the PC isle, and I was unimpressed. We all were. The girls searched for Pokemon cards but none were available. So many assholes not wearing masks. On certain isles it made me very uncomfortable. 

This is such a weird time. 

Over a year after everything shut down and there's a lot of things that aren't the same, and may never be the same.

I asked the girls if it made them feel any more "normal" and they both said yes, in a way, that they at least enjoyed getting out of the house.

Saturday I finally got emissions done on the old Civic and it passed the test. After spending 2k to get everything fixed up it damn well better have passed. My brother was with me. They even gave us a free exterior car wash.  

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